
We tapped out in TX too. Go to Virginia or Michigan

I’m laughing so hard!

Why you drag Jess like that? I’m at work lmao!

I remember when Peaches was just a Wino like us. Hey Peaches!

What if you already subbed to Bigo?
You’re already here, lol
It sounds like she is mixing her life and a book or someone else’s experiences together. I know someone like this. They can lie and believe their own lies. I believe it is truly a mental disorder. This video is so cringe to watch. I kinda feel bad for her. I wonder why her family hasn’t spoken up or a friend. Where is this current husband? Where is mom? They must not be active on social media is all I can guess.
I remember these text messages being out years ago. I thought you already exposed this? Somebody did.
I have reminded the part where you show the video of Hazel. Your face was everything Tasha 😂😂😂😂