
Benzio and TK should do a podcast 💯🍷

Great interview. Yayy Benzino! Redemption🍷

He never stayed overnight at her house. She said she was being patient….5yrs…. No overnight. I’m concerned about her mental health.
She’s about to find out she’s the side CHICK frfr. Tasha is not leaving Rocky. I wouldn’t either if I didn’t want to.
She still didn’t get an apology 😂. She is willing entangled with a whole married man and want an apology… girl 👋😘✌️
Cause Rocky was lying like a mofo 🍷
He sounds like he was a jerk. It’s sad when men refuse to deal with their baggage, and bring all those unaddressed issues. We are not your mothers!!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️
When on that wine tonight 🍷🍷🍷🍷