Laurie Mensah

I love how honest she is but talk about cringy!!!! Fucking raw!!!! Yikes!!!!gurl out here taking serious risks with her life.

Maddy lost a few with that including myself !

Nov 09 at 08:45 AM

But the fox Giselle song is a hit!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Nov 09 at 08:37 AM

Oh no!!! I love Tasha. Don’t hate me for this opinion. The part with her & TS sounds like a tit for tat. Like kind of a bragging session on who has more. I feel like they both have more than most. Other than that I’m here for the fuckery with Sidney Starr lol. Sidney needs to learn how to put her words together better to get her points across because she giving elementary school.

The last story 😳😳😳 I feel so bad because mental illness is no joke! The story sounds crazy but her mind is telling her that it’s real. She needs to seek help & stop self medicating. I pray for her peace💕


Oct 08 at 04:07 PM

I love bondy perspective on issues.