Mz. Klazzic

Kenetra Bunton your opioin of him don’t matter their like assholes! Everyone has one! This shyt is crazy that the weird lives in a distirddid illusion! The girl is troubled and he has to stop her before somebody! Kills that Gurl! She’s fucked up this is motivated by money! And that’s point blank and period💯 she’s nasty inside and out! Point blank and period💯


Mz. Klazzic all over her face y’all! I believe she was pumped out by the uncle and let’s go back to when the dad didn’t want to burn her at the cross! She either has genital herpes or warts or to me she might have something more serious Alledgally! Ijs 💯 why does she still have that child with her? She needs to be away from her abuse is a cycle and it seems to me! She’s something else💯🔥🔥💯

Jo please go back and listen she was prostituting at age 11/12 when he came home from prison she was selling her body and doing drugs by then! 💯🔥 And actually she was the predator she was touching and literally obsessed with the older brother💯 by telling their truth they implicated themselves to abuse of an corpse! She had a baby in the toilet and they discarded it because it was dead and they didn’t know who she was pregnant by! And the mothers brother I believe did all that shyt and even was pumping her out! Now come on to be accused of all this and never found guilty of one thing tells you something 💯 the father said she would tell these stories to gain sympathy’s and money from people! And for her to have her child there tells a lot to me! Where is your support system? She’s did so much wrong that nobody wants to deal with people but I saw a whole different person come out especially when Tasha got some of her info wrong! It wasn’t a car it was a phone! And you could see it al


Hey wineos I sat and watched this young ladies story broke my heart ❤️….we never wanna dismiss anyone’s story but lord Jesus! I just need to see how this is really gonna go 💯🍷💯#O.G


Exactly 💯💯Kandi been their too long 💯💯🍷💯💯


How bout I cannot scan the barcodes that come up on the app I missed the mother's day also cause I wasn't able to maybe I'm not doing it right. I been a wino for a long time and Ict 17th is my 47th bday 🥳 and I'm coming down to Florida to see the Goat! I'm bout to be doing double shifts on BIGO 💯 🤣🤣 so I can make this money . The Goat of Utube! 💯 I'm coming.

They all are manipulative 💯💯 daddies are two faced and it does hurt your feelings 😭😭 💯
These things sound like the same shyt that RKelly was accused of! Y'all listen Ricky help aided and abided in the facilitation of trafficking young girls! Allegedly! Ijs 💯 listen now on the Real! He's a dirty mf!