Shae Mitch

Just caught the playback....I wish only great things for Chef PII, but Tasha just gave her the tough love she needed. It may have been uncomfortable, but I hope she sees the care and concern in what Tasha is saying. Much love to her and her journey.

Jul 28 at 05:09 PM

Love this Leslie!! But it wasn't a fail, it was just a course redirection 🙂

Jul 26 at 07:54 PM

I hope I didn't overstep. I wish you the best on your upcoming 😉 detox. I know you got this!


Jul 26 at 07:29 PM

If you need to, start small. Take one food/snack out of your routine at a time and replace it with something else. Once you have made that into a habit and a part of your everyday life, switch out another food/snack.


Jul 26 at 04:38 AM

I ordered mine from Everlywell

Commented on Detox Winos Check-in

Jul 24 at 07:50 PM

That was a HUGE change for me too. When I tell you I was struggling, baby the struggle was too real. But like I said, now that I am on the other side of it, every headache, migraine, and mood swing was worth it.

May 22 at 10:18 AM

Mrs. Kebe, I know you've been super busy popping out interviews after your vaca (which I greatly appreciate), but we never did get the vegan breakfast menu...or did I miss it??
LOVED every second of this interview!! Great work Tasha!

Commented on Today's LIUVE???????

May 10 at 07:34 PM

I think she needed a couple of few extra minutes after YT

Apr 21 at 09:31 PM

I'm going to have to buckle down more and get better at building better eating habits. I might do the same