Janora Phillips

Bondy is right though! Rich black folks always ready to throw their kids out to the wolves with no damn resources. But y’all be the same damn women giving dating advice…talking about men should pay their bills, take them traveling, buy them this and that without them lifting a finger. Be mad if you want but that logic doesn’t make sense and Bondy told no lies!

*I don’t see
I see anyone denying that but a lot of people’s blood pressure going up over a marriage more than the actual wife is. 😂 I ain’t losing no sleep her the mistress, wife, nor husband. Remember….Tocha said she knows EVERYTHING! That was enough for me. But y’all go ahead and fight a good fight in the name of Tocha!
Whew! I know y’all mad at her in the comments but ROCKY allowed this energy in his marriage. Tocha is choosing to stay in this marriage so y’all coming for Unykue is pointless in my opinion. 🤷🏾‍♀️
When she said he has a wife, a girlfriend, and side piece…I was like oh she’s really delusional. 😬
Tasha’s face when she said I don’t know if they’re in a real relationship 😂🤣 BIH THEY ARE MARRIED!!!!🤦🏾‍♀️

Jan 20 at 07:40 PM

I’m starting a little late (tomorrow). Wish me luck!
I did not know I needed this interview. I laughed so damn much 😂🤣😂🤣
He said it remains anonymous 😂🤣😂🤣😂😂