Debra Simmons

Commented on Who y'all got?

Sep 12 at 11:39 PM

Hey wino’s I’m very Disturbed watching Facebook,behind all the comments these worthless have nothing to do better but to come on Tasha‘s platform and post these horrible and karma post like we really have that to worry about true winos we all support Tasha 100% whether she fuck up or not that’s what wino’s do I watch Tasha because she makes me laugh. She makes me happy. She is so fucking down to earth and when she makes a mistake, she clears it up and I can appreciate that. I fell in love with her years ago I attended her first comedy show in Atlanta I was in the second show in Miami. I have my old ass ticket for Houston and when I say I am old G!!! I’m 68 but yeah I can relate to Tasha. I love you Tasha and I am with you 100%. I hear the young people talking oh she did this and she did that and she lies, but you know what,I get them all straight, because everybody have a downfall and everybody will fall if time permits, but the thing is that you never stop growing you never stop involving and I appreciate that about you. I admire you and your husband and your kids and your family and the people you surround yourself with, and I love the way you curse, because I thought nobody curse like me and you,and my grandmother she said on her last breath oh what’s She was having a heart attack but anyway you remind me so much when I was your age and it is hard to find people that is down the Earth now all you motherfuckers that don’t like the content that she brings get the fuck out that’s what you have to do but y’all making all these slide ass comments about she gonna pay for it and she is going to reap what she sore and is everything‘s gonna come tumbling down on her, bitch that life it can happen to anybody understand whether you are doing all good all day all you motherfuckers wishing that Tasha fall Tasha Not, !!!she’s to Smart for that shit and besides that if she does fall , she want stay down but start to fall off in one area, she’s smart enough and she has a husband that will back her up, she’s gonna always take another direction so I just needed to say that and get it off my chest because these crabs ass people that has nothing else to do but just come on and see what she have to say and then criticize her and the only other thing I wanna say to Tasha that bitch Claudia, she is not scratchy cat that bitch isnt that she has dog pussy she will back that shit up to anything dog pussy open to the Stray dogs she just a dog in heat all that bitch is She’s got dog pussy anything anybody can fuck her that’s what you call dog pussy in the south so we need to rename that bitch from scratchy cat to dog pussy because a dog Fuck anything I love you. Wino’s I love my gang gang, anyone that appreciate Tasha K because she is our black goat. She is a black queen and Tasha is good as gold and she do what she does and she does it well but anybody else goes out and say any fucking thing they wanna say they don’t criticize them others but they criticize Tasha because she’s winning and if they had any sins, they’d be trying to befriend her and be like OK. What can I do to make shit better for me because evidently you got the roadmap right this is Debra from Louisiana and I just want to say I am so looking forward to seeing y’all in Houston and we’re gonna have a damn good time oh that want a be women that call his self dragging Tasha fuck that mentality I’ll mother fucker with his dry as mouth bitch you can’t see but I would love to read your cheesy looking ass expand your vocabulary dumb ass with what ever end you want to take it from, I love most gay people as long as they respect their place which which mean they all came out a Pussy , don’t come at Taska let me read them shitty dick and these Warts pussies


Sep 12 at 10:04 PM

Love you home girl Baton Rouge to my girl Nola

Commented on Who y'all got?

Sep 10 at 09:48 PM


Jul 28 at 11:20 AM

Shoutout to Peaches Royale


Jul 19 at 02:53 PM

A good ideal but those bottles aren’t for freezing the plastic isn’t safe there are some that is safe but not those living well from one Wineo to another peace


Jun 02 at 10:14 PM

He knows better the heat is to heavy on him right now for someone to have a mishap


Bring it Tasha I’m ready

May 27 at 11:41 AM

Congrats it seems you did a good job but you will never stop being a mother what a accomplishment for kids these days 🎈