Debra Simmons

Apr 01 at 05:26 PM

Yeah to the yeah!!!!!!!! screaming sistalaw what you got, now stop crying !!! April fool’s Day let the headlines linger a little longer . Tasha Stop Playing I’m fucking confuse But I’m still fucking with you!Girl!!!!!!
You are so right you didn’t shift blame like Adam and Eve he blamed her she blamed the serpent, but you took responsibility for what you did hold heartily like David in the Bible and god forgave him for having that woman husband killed , Sabrina want forgive you because she hasn’t taken responsibility for what she done until she comes clean and admit like you did, it will remain profitable for her which is more important you haven’t forgiven yourself please do you spoke and cried like it was yesterday let it go God has forgiven you 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Mar 13 at 08:40 PM

He needed a reason to put on his feminine side girl please

Replied on Found Peaches

Mar 10 at 06:28 AM

I appreciate all the support you winos gave me my family were concern because I’m only 66 but when I arrived peaches came down at the hotel took me under her wings afterwards I met another wino from New Orleans I’m from Baton Rouge she offered to share a lift to the event,we met a wino walking we picked her up ended up our seats were right next to each other I had a ball, then there is a wino that has her own transportation company she took us back to hotel the next day she took me ,,everywhere I needed to go including the airport for less than half the price I hope we all keep this wino relationship going love

Replied on Found Peaches

Mar 10 at 05:02 AM

I meant you got this don’t judge I was tired

Mar 10 at 04:51 AM


Replied on Back at it

Mar 10 at 04:40 AM

Just get that mind set again watch people that don’t promote meat get motivated you can do it

Replied on Back at it

Mar 10 at 04:35 AM

Chick peas walnuts avocados

Commented on Found Peaches

Mar 09 at 02:58 PM

Well I had a blast love the entire group of people that made this possible Shack Chelsea jasmine slim security last not least my girl MF TASHAK!!! You got think !!!!love you


Mar 08 at 01:54 PM

and I am ready for tonight