
May 08 at 09:11 PM

🧐 ok well I'm just making sure

May 08 at 03:57 PM

Don't answer this question anyone because this is simply click bait! Whoever this is, they want you to promote that "other" YouTuber. Don't fall for it yall

Replied on PSA🥂

Apr 28 at 11:52 AM

Girl you are Armon wiggins😂
The fact that she said she felt like she was beneath everyone one growing up I felt that same way. My mom didn't give me a spirit growing up either. And I was drop dead gorgeous and didn't even no it. Confidence level was at a zero😞

Commented on Sam Smith "butt plug"

Apr 18 at 11:30 AM

Great and genuine interview🙌🏾

Commented on Confession

Apr 07 at 06:55 AM

On the gang gang gang!