
Dec 12 at 08:44 PM

Ikr he online about the ex constantly. I couldn’t wit Tyree.

Dec 12 at 07:59 PM

Right come out and say what u want. Not a mind reader and not guessing. Be accountable for intentions. 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

Dec 12 at 07:35 PM

He psyching her they mad u not a quitter? Smh 🤦‍♀️ 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

Dec 12 at 07:27 PM

Nia smh 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

Dec 06 at 03:52 PM

I don’t agree it was embarrassing I could only wonder why are they having this exchange at this public place? I don’t go out to stadiums when I’m sad. If I did get out for fun avoid the people that’s making you sad. I think grace should be giving to all including DL we’ve all done things not proud of, we’re human. I think maybe the mistake is providing everything for children vs letting them earn their own way. These kids feel entitled.

Dec 06 at 03:39 PM

I receive your reply. I understand kids today are totally different. In my day there was no negotiations about how I was parented. I’m a 60’s baby. By no means am I saying parenting was right or wrong and certainly we are products of our environment. We basically lived with granny growing up because parents were working. I just feel if it was hurt, why get into it in public? One minute he joking, the next he hurt. And yes all parties could of shut up and walked off. Is it possible people are just blaming the parents because we’ve heard of their lifestyle? Hell I grew up with cussing, drinking, drugging and would never talk like that in private let alone publicly to my parents. All parents gonna bring up what they had to do vs how the kids grew up. Parenting is full of sacrificing. None of us know all things parents did to provide. If he was allowed to live with granny, what he wanted, then what’s the problem? We weren’t allowed in other kids houses. Played with cousins.


Dec 06 at 12:01 AM

Why is she receiving money for a dead baby?

Dec 05 at 11:36 PM

King disrespectful period. If he can’t be respectful then maybe he just should not speak to them at all. King got in his feelings and behaved like a product of the women coddling him. Sorry I think King feeling hisself and trying his dad like all boys when they think they’re grown.

Ikr the high vale man lmao 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷