
Sound like Rocky is scumbag. But is Latocha innocent and naive. Maybe she’s a scumbag too. Ijs
Exactly all gossip.

Apr 04 at 02:35 AM

Right smh
For those saying why let a stranger in. Personally I don’t think I would. However, I understand wanting to help people less fortunate. While this young lady damn near died, I would encourage her to keep caring for others but in environments other than her home. I’ve had to learn this lesson the hard way. However not from strangers but from family. I think we should all be of service to other. I volunteer at a DV safe house now. Living in Chicago it’s saddens me to see homeless people especially in winter. I go pass out food, toiletries etc for about 5 yrs now. I wanted to harden my heart. But after depression,anxiety therapy I decided I would put time and energy into those that are appreciative. Peace and love winos
My thought exactly.
Whew Tasha this is traumatic yet inspiring. If everyone could here this. I’m thinking this should ring loud to those that are out here seemingly not caring about life. Life can be taken by death or prison in instant.
No excuse but the young lady has probably experienced trauma. And she was triggered. Maybe the brother was raping her.
Sounds like possible she has mental issues and should be on meds.