
Duce, Kendrick is disgusted and so am I with the degenerates!!!

Ok Tasha, I finished watching to the end and you redeemed yourself. But, being on the spectrum doesn’t mean that you’re slow, Elon Musk & Einstein are considered to be on the spectrum.

Tasha really act ghetto and stupid sometimes!!! To laugh at this young man and say he has the same storytelling as JW made me sick! This young man is on the spectrum, high functioning autism. And was raised by stoooopid arse black ghetto people, dumb arse Christian’s and he is trying to cling to something good and pure and wholesome but unfortunately our black community is full of ignorant arseholes. He needs a safe place to live, his father caused him ptsd getting evicted!! And Sam Jr is smart enough to know something ain’t right with theses ignorant, ghetto people. Go work 3 jobs Sam Sr, so you can take good care of Sam Jr. I know your dumb ghetto arse don’t have the time to be in a relationship before being able to take care of your son. You’re his only choice since his mother is insane!!! Take care of business please for Sam Jr to have a chance!!! SmMFh!!!

The fact that he is such a decent human with JW as a mother, he needs protection. He is high functioning autism. He does need help and need not be ashamed of being autistic it’s just a different way of thinking and learning. I love you Sam, you are a great human. Keep being a good person.


He’s on the spectrum not mentally ill. He is high functioning. I have a family member with a masters degree and is socially awkward and was recently diagnosed. He needs to be protection and to be around good smart people and not ghetto trash!


I absolutely love him. I have been hoping and praying that he would get away from her! He has such a beautiful spirit and doesn’t deserve her as a mother!!!🙏🏽