
Commented on Urgent Update

Feb 21 at 04:50 PM

Praying for you and your family situation.


Let's be clear. LGBTQ+ Community has ALWAYS known about the violence that happens against them for various reasons. It is the reason why we have PRIDE month to not only celebrate but to advocate and educate others on the VARIOUS reasons that LGBTQ+ rights should be protected. Two things can be true at once: A marginalized group can want equal rights and protections when it comes to the services received AND be outraged over the violence of being attacked by straight or closeted gays who are just angry. Tasha, just because you didn't see anyone post from the community about the violent incident does not mean that it is out of the minds of those who are a part of the community and live with this fear on a daily basis. 

Bondy was a great choice. I really liked her commentary and that it differs from Tasha K. Tasha, you made a good choice in having her be herself. We don't all have the same opinion and I liked how she expressed herself. 

Now Tasha, did you get scammed about a story about a scheme?? That's clearly a scam message. No one in real life talks like that. I'm light skinned, my knuckles aren't that dark. Also, as a fan or being friends with someone who's page is hacked it's obvious to figure out. 

I can see Raz B being thrown into a mental crisis, especially if he's had a history of it it before, due to a fear of surgery. I had a coworker that had to have appendix or something removed. I was on leave medically for my surgery (supracervical hysterectomy) and he was suppose to be back before I came back. He ended up not having surgery and being checked into a mental facility. He apparently was not only afraid the day of surgery but flipped out on the staff so his family had to check him in. He was already having some strange tendencies before the surgery, over 40, living with parents and afraid to go anywhere so he worked from home.   It can be one thing that can really take people over the edge sometimes.

Don't hold off on that F-word. As part of the LGBTQIA community (or ABC LOL), TLA was on some Fgt ish!!

Commented on Nanoblood | Short

Mar 07 at 03:09 PM

I liked it. I would like to see more Sci-fi movies on here.
I just want to tell you, Tasha K, when my son heard you singing in Rihanna's song (Black Panther, as he calls it), he thought you were Rihanna. He was in his room and I was in my office. I told him it wasn't the originally singer. You can SANG when you not playing around lol

Jan 19 at 05:57 PM

Love the conversation towards the end. I hate this happens to everyone but Jada really pieced together this talk. I too have had an experience and my heart pours out to anyone who has been harassed, abused or molested.