Sunnie Hughes

Jul 30 at 05:37 PM

Is Noris selling merch or items that he sends Tasha? I want one of those car insurance holders for my family!

Jul 30 at 04:40 PM

aaah okay thank you.


Jul 30 at 12:39 PM

Am I the only one who can’t find the interview that was done recently with the pastor? All I can see is the after show talking about the interview

No they have it it’s just not available to us. Can create a vaccine for a random NEW virus but nothing for AIDS, CANCER, etc….yea holistic health can cure or at least extend life.

Jul 26 at 11:54 AM

And with that Chelsea hasn’t had enough life experience to question or even add to what Tasha was saying. Sometimes youngins y’all need to sit and listen. Not to agree, but to hear a different point of view.

Jul 26 at 11:52 AM

See Chelsea‘s attitude why Tasha was trying to bestow yet even more gems on her, that we see her do every time, further confirms what those folks in the house were picking up. It also confirms Tasha‘s read of who Chelsea really is and need to work on. I don’t think she’s a bad person, but she needs to be checked. She needs to do a lot of inner work. She can still be flawless, fancy, bad bish all she wants to….but some of that energy AND not having thE inner work completed is probably why she’s single. Until she commits to herself and the work that needs to be done (including healing) Chelsea will continue to give off desperation in wanting a man. #withloveandexperience

Jul 24 at 12:04 PM

I just subscribed to Norris’ channel, but I would stay away from Storm anything lol

Jul 24 at 11:54 AM

I’m so glad this interview or should we call an interrogation, LOL, took place. It totally prove my point Chelsea is always wasting money lol. She needs some classes Tasha; and I would make it a requirement for her contract and that she has to spend some of her earnings to show her commitment to evolve and cause I haven’t seen it yet. YOU GOT SCARED….girl…..really!?! You have to have that same damn energy that people see on Tasha’s channel in person.

Jul 23 at 10:51 PM

Girl it was so hard to listen to her talk lol

Commented on PART THREE - The Tribe

Jul 23 at 10:39 PM

No it all makes sense that Nature Boy has all the real women, and the dude have no women with them. They’re in to transgenderism.