Sunnie Hughes

May 06 at 02:47 PM

I’m sorry Chelsea is ratchet and brings the show down….to openly talk about all your abortions when you have the means to make better choices…..and their are women who would KILL to be able to conceive…..IJS

May 02 at 02:17 PM

All that money (allegedly) and privilege but no confidences in herself AND can’t handle constructive criticism. IJS

May 02 at 11:57 AM

After show reviewer. All I’m gonna say is this, people kill me how they claim that they ride for Tasha, have her back, supporter, etc., and then want to come on here talking about give us a chance or try to prove the case for people who did her dirty or actually good people. GTFOH

Replied on Live 4.16.22

Apr 19 at 05:44 PM

GIRL she has mental health issues like us all. Tasha has way more grace and patience than I do…..

Commented on Live 4.16.22

Apr 19 at 05:17 PM

I love you Tasha but you need to disconnect from that energy called Wiley. I know you claim you “love him” but he too wants to see your demise all for clicks. He is a clown all day everyday. OAN: #shoutout to Pisces. I understand exactly what you mean about your energy and emotions and people trying you. But BABY……Pisces have a special place in God’s heart ESPECIALLY those who stay on their purpose. Stay blessed.
hey i’m one of the first to view. Yaaaas!!!!
how could he want to not see his family fall but you had to beg him to get a place for you and his kids? Tasha you’re working overtime at this point because she’s not ready to hear the information. You can’t save everybody.
YAAAAS don’t he doe? All the time. She making all the excuses for him. Why is my husband giving another bitch $30K whether they need it or not, WITHOUT there being a conversion…..yet you at some point had to beg for a place for you and his kids SMH. Chyyyllle cheeeze….
We choose to remain stuck because it’s comfortable. We’re afraid to take a chance to want something better. As someone who is in their 40s, I have to continually check myself on that with some of my trauma. So it doesn’t necessarily go away. But that’s why I’ve been saying therapy helps. Because then there are professionals who give you some tools on how to cope and or work through some of your issues. Because once she realizes her self-worth in general, she’ll have the strength to not care about what it is he’s doing. His manipulation, his money, etc. won’t even matter.
I already knew she had trauma before she said it. This is what years of trauma that goes without help looks like. First BD is toxic but the current situation is not? People always use God to manipulate others and push their agenda.