Skin Deep

I really enjoyed this interview. Honestly, I never watched the show and I had to go back and watch a few clips. I was surprised to see Trina showing out like that. The name calling, talking about her children and the disrespect was to much. Niki is beautiful and smart. I look forward to seeing her grow and go far. Great interview.
Women can be so damn naive. They need to listen to RC Blakes and get their ENTIRE LIFE!!!!

Nov 28 at 12:31 PM

Kevin Samuels. TOXIC! He definitely speaks from a place of pain. He tells stories about the women who were in his life. Some stuff is good but a lot is Bull Sh$t.
This is my last comment. Tasha please don't bring this man back on your show, it's triggering for me and clearly for other's who are commenting. I know I don't have to watch and if he comes back...I wont. Im just sick of listening to him. The contradiction, the lies, the tears and the nerve of him to even come on after the verdict to write his wrong. Courage my ass. He"s a COWARD! Period.
With family and friends like you who needs enemies. This just got under my skin. If you don't care about people and what we think, why are you on here? You KNEW this mans life was on the line? Was this a game to you? Maannn.....You are Dead A$$. You lied to Tasha on her damn show.
He's calling other people snakes when he is a snake as well. The fact that he is admitting that he lied gets no empathy from me. Then he blames it on anger and his immaturity? It's been over 20 years and you're still angry? You were a grown man when you sat down with Tasha. No, we can't judge you but your lies added to what your "Mama's son" was going through. It's disgusting. I don't believe anything that your saying and at this point, its pointless. Kelly is in jail and will be for a while. I don't care if you come on here again and hope you don't. I'm a REAL person and you're the only fake one on here. What a disgrace. keep talking about family. I'm done! You have to answer to God and your brother on this one. NO LOYALTY AT ALL!

Nov 03 at 07:06 PM


Nov 03 at 07:06 PM

Who is he her pimp? Right now we are focusing on "My Career." He's using her!!
Right. I just don't know.....