Skin Deep

Stockbridge, GA, United States

I think you should interview Wack and he needs to issue an apology for the lie he told during the interview.


Every complaint doesn't have to tell a story or be multiple pages, I thought that is what the discovery is for. The initial complaint was filed. I believe it happened.


07 Mar 04:37



07 Mar 04:25

That's right. We do it movin. #truckerlife 100%


07 Mar 04:22

Happy Birthday

Peaches Royale Where is the live Tasha was going to do?

It is so hard raising children even if there is a two-parent household. I raised three with none of the fathers involved and no child support. I worked and went to school. I thank God I am a recipient of a Section 8 voucher and food stamps I needed it. It was a stepping stone that truly helped me. I was there for my children and did everything to protect them.

When my youngest daughter turned 17 everything changed. She started hanging with the wrong crowd and barely graduated. She turned to the streets and hasn't been the same.

Today, at age 27 she suffers from a mental illness and is on drugs. I've done everything I could to help her and I'm praying every day that she gets the help she needs and sticks to treatment. She chooses to be homeless and in the streets.

I've been raising her two boys ages 3 and 4 since birth and I'm doing it again as a single mother "grandmother"

I thank God I'm able to do it. I started a trucking company that is doing extremely well. Today, I own a duplex in Ohio, had a 5 bedroom house built in GA and I own land in Belize just to name a few things. God has BLESSED me beyond measure. I could not imagine doing this all over again in my 50s without being financially, spiritually, and mentally solid. No matter what I do my daughter still blames me for her choices and has wished death on me numerous times and I'm her mother raising her children. They want for NOTHING!

I love my daughter however, I had to set boundaries so I CAN LIVE!

I pray that her and her daughter come together and get therapy. I need therapy. Hell, I need to sit at the table with you Tasha K I got one hell of a story to tell.

25 Feb 22:02

Do more. Lol




19 Feb 09:27

When are the next episodes of these TV shows coming out? Man....they are too good. That Complicated ATL has me waiting. All of them actually. Is there a schedule? I keep checking. Tasha K