Skin Deep

I sat it awe at Sam's brilliance, beauty and greatness. I'm appalled by these comments. Even an alleged nurse suggested that he needs medication. No, Sam needs to be placed in a safe environment where he can use his genius, gifts and talents to thrive.

Sam loves his mother and he has love for humanity. He's simply not happy how is mother has been behaving and showing up in the world. He stands on spiritual truth. He wants his mother to take off the mask, take accountability for her actions and repent for the hurt and pain shes caused. He wants his mother to clean up her life because she too is a Goddess. I honestly didn't know how this interview would go. However, I too am inspired. Sam is 22, if his family allows him to grow, within the next 5 to 10 years, I believe the world will witness his greatness on a profound level.

I'm honored and blessed to have witness this interview.

Thank you Tasha for giving him a safe space and platform to express himself. Thank you Sam for being YOU! I received the message. We as women and humans need to do better.

Protect Sam at ALL COST!!



I'm a few minutes in and I don't belive half the stuff this woman is saying. Somethin....Somethin...Just Ain't right. In my KS voice.

I got to give some push back. If she told him NO and he took it, it's RAPE. I don't care how old he is or how many times they had sex. No....means NO!



Sep 01 at 01:58 PM

How do I watch it. I keep trying to pull it up. Help!


Sep 01 at 01:54 PM

Ok. I'm going to watch it.

Tasha, I commend you for your patience, and your professionalism. Thats why you are the GOAT at what you do.

She was dead ass wrong for using this platform to permote her book. Do you think we want to hear the build up to that day then leave out the actual day. I would not bring her back. She deceived us all. You used the platform and you used Tasha. You knew exactly what you were doing. I'm not buying the book!

I'm sorry, I don't like how she did that. We were all interested in her story because it's powerful and should be told. However, she should have sat down when she was ready to share it fully.

Good bye.


You are hilarious and UBER talented! I love when you are here!
