
Feb 15 at 03:02 PM

Tasha K I'm a wino lurker and don't talk much, but I'm here. I can't wait for your 1st one about health issues! Now I'm going back in the corner with my eyes and ears open. Thank you! 💝🍷

Feb 15 at 02:46 PM

I generally stay quiet on here, but this hit me and it took me a couple of days to try to be encouraging while being PC. But...F anybody that tries to take your shine from you, luv! I'm crippled looking from autoimmune diseases (lupus, RA to name a few), and live in the south. Since the election, I've had Caucasians literally ask me why don't I end myself because I'm a burden on society. Now, I'm originally from up north, and as a Pisces, my mouth can shut a city block down with detour signs, but I would still go home and cry from the cruelty people show one another. Then one day I asked God to fight my battles and got me some inner peace. If you've found something that gives you joy, don't let not 1 solitary soul steal that from you, for you are divinely created and beautifully crafted! From one sis-star to another, hold your crown 👑 high! I'll be praying for you. It's not an easy process sometimes to find peace, but once you do, nothing and no one will ever be able to steal it from you again. Trust and believe in you and your calling and God will guide you on your journey. Amen and Asé!!

Feb 15 at 02:25 PM

Now Mrs. Kebe, you already know this app is on 🔥🔥! Thanks for asking but the winos are saluting you! Question: Are you going to post the content from the YouTube paid community info here as well? A sista can't afford 2 subscriptions. 🤣🤣🍷🍷

Jan 17 at 06:02 AM

Dionicia smith Thank you. I'll go look for it. That's what I love about being a wino...We help and look out for each other!!


Jan 15 at 10:33 PM


Hi Tasha. Girl, I skipped and ran over to Prime Video for that Jaguar wine 🍷only to find that you have to rent or buy to watch it. I thought since I'm a Prime member I'd be able to stream it with my subscription. Is that an error on their part, or do we have to pay fr? I'm on a budget so I ain't got it either...not with my subscription here too. That doesn't stop me from loving and supporting you over here though!!

Jan 07 at 04:02 PM

I hope Tasha posts it. I’m disabled and can’t get out to see her live, especially so far away. Praying she’ll post it soon, if true!


Jan 07 at 03:58 PM

Thanks for letting us know. I was excited because I normally miss the lives. Tomorrow it is then.


Replied on post was deleted

Jan 07 at 03:20 PM

For real! If it’s true, it’s a scandal and a shame!

Jan 07 at 03:04 PM

Channell Kinard She got me too! I was about to send a marriage counselor, a zoom therapist and lock them all in a room together! 🍷🤣


Commented on To all my fans🙏🥂

Jan 07 at 01:55 AM

On behalf of all the winos who were emotionally scarred, we at Chasing The Bag Law Firm of Frivolous, Theatrics & Ridiculousness will be filing a class action lawsuit for this foolishness. If you have been personally affected, and spilled your good wine while reading the above ⬆️, please contact us at 1-800-U2MUCHT(ASHA)…especially since it’s not April Fools Day! That’s 1-800-826-8248 ext 2742. We will fight for YOU to ensure you get all the damages you are entitled to!! 🤣🤣🍷🍷