

Apr 15 at 01:48 AM

I was watching videos, playing catch-up, when I watched Tasha’s interview about the young lady who was stabbed by her roommate. Great interview btw! While looking to see how she’s doing now, I found her GoFundMe page under “Dejon DaJanae Stabbing” and it’s currently at over 8k out of 30k. I don’t know if someone else mentioned it before and I’m late to the party, but I was wondering if any Winos would be interested in donating with me? I’m disabled and don’t have much, but I’m going to help as much as I can. This interview really touched me for personal reasons and it woke me up out of my sleep. I just thought I’d share in case anyone is interested. If someone else has already mentioned this, I apologize for overstepping. Have a safe weekend everyone!!🍷🍷


Mar 29 at 05:55 PM

Today's stories were 🔥🔥. This is only Wednesday... What will phuckery Friday look like?👀👀🤣🤣


Mar 20 at 06:37 PM

Why are all the comments I make on Facebook being hidden and labeled as "This hidden comment might include sensitive content or spam"? It's making me afraid to comment on your lives. I'm not cursing, or saying anyone's names. What in the Angela Bassett/Samuel L. Jackson is really going on? Are we being singled out? Is this confirmation that not only is the host being watched and censored (Tasha), but the winos are too?



Mar 05 at 03:43 PM

I was quiet but standing in solidarity with those of you who completed the last 14 day cleanse because I was having a whole peanut butter and jelly moment (that's super jealous) because I couldn't eat ANY food. However, with only approx 2 days left, I did the dang thang! Even though I wasn't that big because of my height, I lost almost 30 lbs and I'll probably hit that by Tuesday. I just wanted to take a moment to say it made my day to come read how well some of you were/are doing. The wino's encouraging everyone else was everything! But baybay,let me tell you on Wednesday I plan on eating everything that I'm allowed to eat and what's put in front of me!! Plus drink a whole bottle of sweet red wine when I get that go ahead!🍷🍷🤣🤣 Have a great pre-show weekend everyone.👑❤️🎉🥂



Mar 05 at 03:21 PM

Tasha I hope you tear it up for your birthday and I know the wino's will be right there with you actin' a whole fool!My birthday was this past Thursday and your show would have been my present but I have surgery on Tuesday so unfortunately I will miss it. But I'll be looking on the boards late Wednesday/early Thursday to hear everyone talking about how much fun was had by all! This is the month & 2023 is the year the Pisces show up & out!! Turn Hotlanta out Mrs. Kebe et al.

To the rest of my Pisces, we're celebrating all month long, well at least I am, because we deserve it. Much love and respect! 🎉🥂💖🍷🥳👑❤️🌹



Feb 11 at 04:12 PM

Hey Tasha, I was wondering if you know what could make our 'Mr. Cool', Denzel Washington, come out of character so much that it was captured at the Laker's game I believe? And to have Jay-Z try to be the voice of reason, it must have been something! It was surprising to me because you never hear about him in a negative light. And he's throwing up 'The Rock's sign too... What's really going on?



Feb 03 at 10:21 PM

I have a question. I’m new here so forgive me if this has been covered but how to cleanse safely with strictly liquids? I’m doing the juicing, but any good power powders anyone can recommend? I’m trying y’all, but my stomach feels like it’s trying to eat my spleen and spine for sustenance. And when I say it has to be all liquid, I really mean it. No sneaking some lentils, cabbage or anything! I’m so weak and hungry that my cat could arm wrestle me and win!🤣Any serious help would be appreciated! Thanks.