
The former owner of Planet Fitness sounds like every angry Black motherā€¦ā€I brought you in this world and Iā€™ll take you out!ā€ ā€œWhat niccas are gonna be out here line stepping?ā€ šŸ’€šŸ¤£White wine was high-larious today. That nerd tried to scalp her bald!! Do what you need to do for YOU Tasha always, and I love Bondy Blue!!


Apr 11 at 07:20 PM

Iā€™m late to the party but I died when you said the ONLY thing we worried about from Stevie J is that ā€œyouā€™ll eff us!ā€ I fell out my chair!! šŸ«£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤­šŸ’€

Iā€™m late to the party but I want to know where Tasha lied? She paraphrased, but the screenshot you posted matched what Tasha said. I rarely post, and Iā€™m not sticking up for Tasha because she doesnā€™t need my helpā€¦She got her own back. However, I canā€™t believe you paid $12 just to post this and still NOT be able to prove your claim. Math ainā€™t math-ing.


This is like watching that 1 drunk old aunt you hope doesnā€™t come to the cookout. On behalf of all women, Iā€™m embarrassed. *bows head*


Mar 01 at 05:01 PM

Happy Bā€™earthday! Mine is tomorrow (3/2). Pisces all day eā€™ery day! ā™“ļø


Although Tasha gave Martell (sp?) a platform and opportunity to speak, and all he did was regurgitate the same rhetoric heā€™s been saying, the sign of a good creator, entertainment journalist, interviewer, etc, is one that gives all parties the chance to speak their piece, regardless of public or personal opinion. Tasha K canā€™t be biased. Donā€™t forget that Wendy Williams, Oprah, etc did the same thing. Because just like some people can spot a gaslighter and narcissist, there are some who believe what he says is true. Any great debate starts with both parties having equal opportunity to speak. All you have to do is watch any political debate on tv to know that Tasha canā€™t pander to just one side. Now just because she allows Martell to speak doesnā€™t mean she believes the lies, gaslighting or contradictions.


For him to be a college graduate and a one-time educator, he is not articulate at ALL! He was led around by the nose during this whole interview. He needs to never do another interview until he gets a PR team. He might have proof of Melodyā€™s physical abuse, but if he canā€™t express it intelligently, no one will ever believe him. He is never going to marry his current ā€œgirlā€. He picked the right woman to dip with because a grown woman needs to be able to have intelligent conversations with the man sheā€™s dealing with. He is the stereotypical jock that we all went to school with that we felt should be seen and not heard. Heā€™s always going to cheat in a marriage or single until he admits that he prefers polygamy over monogamous relationships. He did not come across as credible but thatā€™s just my opinion.

Jan 19 at 11:05 PM

Life be life-ing, Tasha, and your health is most important. You know weā€™ll be here when you get back. Take care and rest well.


Yessss, and then I remember not too long after that the 2 couples fell all the way out!
