
Mar 05 at 04:55 PM

I just bought MY VIP tickets 🎟 for Virginia Beach 🍷 I can't wait!!!!!!

Nov 18 at 08:40 AM

He better had settled

Nov 18 at 08:39 AM

This too much, baby this was totally unexpected 😫 and pregnant, pregnant people beef be different

Baybeeeeeeeeee this is top 1 neck and neck Bilal with the Surviving R Kelly! 🍷🍷🍷 Great Interview Tasha!!!

Replied on No mam Tasha

Nov 07 at 03:01 AM

And mine too, hell I just got the last call at 2am 🀣🍷


Oct 11 at 10:58 PM

Welp there it is! 😫


Jul 26 at 07:05 PM

πŸ’€ I hollered so loud!


I was so serious Tasha glad it got your attention though. Reason I said that my husband is a grower. So I'm definitely interested in your answer

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