Juanita B

Tasha was initially biased, I did not like the way she conducted this interview at, she interrogated Chantel, she was explicit and at times vulger towards a potential rape victim...at what point does a woman not have an ounce of compassion or trepidation that she could be wrong??? I don't believe any of the parties 100%, the family only told the truth that they wanted people to hear... my mother used to say, "just like no one is always right, no one is always wrong" the oldest brother admitted that they used to "hunch" but he had a four year age advantage on her, and he the fathers child, so something amiss was going on in that house...I need for all of them to go on Steve Wilkos and take a lie detector test

Nylessia Fostdd as an interviewer Tasha should be unbiased, but she had preconceived opinions about Chantel based on the family's statements... I'm believing that the entire family tells half-truths


Tasha is right, Khaleah is a real one!!! She could have let Clarence hang out to dry, especially since they are not together and he has a whole nother girlfriend... she's his guardian angel in disguise...I only wish he could have understood what TK was saying about his "whoreish" ways, in Philly we say they have a white liver...coupled with the mothers devious ways that girl is Subbucus...

It is so sad to know that the majority of the comments are backing this lady?!? She is so full of bs...They were not new to what that male was doing to, for and with the both of them... she is not at all innocent, now Sabrina should not have gone to her house but when Savanah went in her home to get a cup to splash her with water that incidentallyhad lye in it... if she was so afraid then she should have locked the door and called the police... nope she deserved the whole twenty years that she got...

Jun 19 at 11:56 AM

He is condescending and disrespectful to Blackwomen... he projected all of his anger and resentment from his mother, grandmother, aunts, girlfriends, and their mothers onto Tasha...she should have shut this "interview" down and Chek should have stepped to him ie. Iyanla's son style...

Jun 19 at 03:12 AM

This guy has naturalistic intelligence, what we call book smart...but he lacks inter-personal intelligence, he lacks intra-personal, intelligence, he lacks emotional intelligence... he's pompous AF, he's very immature... he holds no accountability, but he says, "hey look, I have a product that I know you'll like, just buy it" but he has no integrity...he can't even make a distinction between the women in his family who were by his own account negligent because he generalize all Black woman... this in my first time listening to him but I'll never listen further because I don't want to exchange my energy with him at all

Jun 18 at 11:47 AM

I would have liked to see these interviews before all of the YouTube madness...I think a lot of commenters came here with very biased opinions instead of seeing the CN members as individuals... TK had done a great job with that, she was very fair In the introductions...I'm sure she's going to present the controversies that surround the tribe...I appreciate hey not attacking them, I believe that most of them were being authentic...

Jun 18 at 11:28 AM

OMG, first of all these women are completely beautiful...I had no idea that they had such huge personalities... they are so well spoken and deliberate in their speech... thank you TashaK for allowing us to see who they really are.....

Jun 12 at 01:36 PM

So part 2 airs next Friday 6/18/2022, due to ongoing editing...that's disappointing especially since part 1 was was so well put together...it is unprofessional to give air dates then retract them...I'm not going to be fair weather, but please get it right TK...

Jun 10 at 11:26 PM

TashaK, you did a great job on allowing the men to freely introduce themselves. All of them except their chief seemed to be a monolithic... I'm sure the female intros are going to be just as interesting... even though they said a lot, I still got get a sense of they're ideology. No disrespect it was all a whole bunch of nothing.