
I am so glad you didn’t cut anything from this interview.
I love men! I don’t want to live in a world without them. Men and women naturally complement each other.
Andrew Tate needed to be de- platformed. Femicide is real, and it’s getting worse. Kevin Samuels said men did not need women because in the biblical days men used young boys for sex. You couldn’t do what you want in your personal life – no one cares. But there are some things that’s not for public consumption. If that’s the kind of rhetoric you want to spew -get a platform where people have to pay to hear it.
It was and is a tribe of lost people. They all think they are gods and goddesses. They ran to a world of make believe. It’s so bazaar, it obvious this man is not playing with a full deck. But he was able to get a group of people to buy into his rhetoric and they are still standing by him. Wow.
I think he mentally snapped when his foster parent hit his hands with the belt. Did you notice how he talked about his parents being so in love with each other? He was two years old when they died -how would he know? His father was in his 60’s mother was in her 30’s. SMH…
Yeah, I think he mentally snapped
Does that change anything?
It’s amazing how warped his reality is! He is a sick man and he should be in a psych ward not prison.