
New Orleans, LA, United States

This money she keep saying Jada owe her is getting on my nerves. She didn't say they agreed to 10%, only asked one time for it once, and now hoping Jada see this and write her a check.. she must be still struggling with her Hollywood stories!!! Lol smh

Well if her mom had a knife over her head the same time she stop taking her meds. Make since if she was mentally unstable.

That girl ain't lying about everything.


And by them being married I'm sure If he go down she'll go down too..

I can't lie. I 50% believe her. And the wife give me ride of die so I do believe she'll lie for him or stand by him at the very least. But this isn't over

Crazy part Is I hate to say shes lying. But let's go!!🍷🥄🍷🥄🍷🥄


Wait!!!!!What??????? Tf to the whole interview.... TK 🤣🤣🤣🍷🥄🍷🥄


TK we can't hear the background noise you hear!!!🍷🥄🍷🥄