
Tasha pulled all her lies 😂😂😂😂 so this the woman you threatened if she ain’t buy you care I’m damn done done done 😂😂😂😂😂🥴


How da hell u don’t know if you got pregnant girllllllllllaaaa you should be ashamed


Girl how yo daddy check to see if your Hyman was there she should do more researched about her lies before she lies

Mz Loretta said nawwwww I won’t smoking crack 😂😂😂😂 get Loretta in for a interview too shit


See I know she lying bc what woman in her right mind would let their abuser keep their daughter no woman with good sense would do that for a car show it’s like she was setting her child up to be abused like her that’s crazy can she explain that I bet not smh

Why she never had a rape kit done ?


Those messsges look like they came from Instagram or Facebook account in dark mode you can make a fake profile and message yourself! People over here windmilling bc they went and played detective but the girl lying period!


Mar 04 at 08:02 PM

Tasha looked tf good


Dog on it Tasha I thought the interview dropped 😂😂