
Nah his career was going down before then bc he can’t keep his hands off ppl he fighting random ppl even fans Dani was just the cherry on top! He a liability he got so many law suits bc he can’t control his temper
My thing with meme why everytime something go down with Dani even when it don’t involve her she throwing out subliminals toward Dani but won’t address the first chick he had a side baby with then she talked all this shit n was right in Dani shoes with a different man and his baby mamas was coming for her she ain’t no different then Dani
I don’t think it’s live damn I wanted tasha commentary lol

Apr 03 at 09:04 PM

What time she say we live on the app

Commented on Yasssssssss

Apr 03 at 08:53 PM

Mz cam I sure said something under cardi b post smh 😂😂😂😂😂

Mar 31 at 08:26 PM

I said this when I seen it I couldn’t even watch it I said no this heffa ain’t trying to do damage control she shoulda said that months ago now that all these bitches coming forward y’all In open marriage trying to save face ….try again boo this gods innanet ha gone pop you with his sandal

Mar 31 at 08:19 PM

I think we all looking but she prolly need to refresh herself get a lil snack I’m sure she coming

Mar 31 at 12:05 PM

Lawd girl drop the link

Commented on Derek back in jail

Mar 29 at 09:36 PM

Y’all I don’t know I tried to look it up under my pacer account but all his shit is sealed only other time I’ve heard secrete indcictment is in young dolph murder case parts of his case are sealed and I think it’s bc it’s involves a lot of big fish they don’t want the public to know about until they make an arrest that’s the only thing I can think of n the fact Derek bonded right out it’s one of two things he either told them what they needed to know or he is now an informant


Mar 29 at 08:11 PM