Diva Den

OMG does she? I just wrote I feel bad for his daughters which probably look similar to Jessica. I've never seen his wife. I know she rich brown but that is all I knew.
She need to after this. I hope she does. Hit him in his pockets. Unless her mom made a settlement with him.
He a cheater. Cheated with Erica Mena. His wife forgave him so maybe he been on the straight and narrow since that because public by Erica.
This was intense. So many times I wanted to get up (cause it felt like I was in the room with them) and walk over to Jessica and hug her. I'm close to her age. My she's been threw so much. I have a better understanding of her story and her mother and her actions or lack thereof. Maybe she was thinking 'let me finally clean this dress' which is why she started to clean it but didn't sound like she had anything on. I only wish Kebe Studios provided real kleenex for her not that cardboard paper towel. That's irrelevant towards Jessica's story but all I can think is this feels so opposite of soft and non-nurturing in this interview, which is why I could never be journalist because I'm too emotional and very empathic. I can not wait for this to be uploaded to YouTube. Wonder if she can file a civil suit against him 🤔 I feel bad for his daughters...I bet they look like her...you now rick color brown girls and are just as pretty as Jessica. Karma will collect for our actions and if it don't hit us it will get our children 💔 This was very informative and eye opening. Great job Tasha K and Jessica.
They are working on it. Papper work has been submitted for the app to be on all streaming platforms.
Had to pick my baby up from school so now watching the play back. Good luck at the Dr.'s tomorrow TK.
No backbone at his big age. He do not need to be discussed over here. His disloyal ass betta enjoy the shine Armon gave him after that man roasted him to the ground. Spineless ass 🙄
The chat was hating cause Tasha got some vocals on her ass...she can sing. My ass is they one that can't sign tonedead like a mf is my vocals 🤣

Jul 30 at 12:27 AM

I had issues. We had a storm so I'm wondering if that was the issue. I had to wait foe it to end and come back to re-watch

Jul 23 at 02:36 PM

Finally getting around to watching this Storm interview. I'm like Tasha in the fact I didnt have a bad boy phase. I broke up with my hs boyfriend because he stole shoes from footlocker 🤦🏾‍♀️ I love me some nerds, lames, squares L 7s as long as they're intelligent and have good sense of humor.