
Sep 25 at 09:27 PM

No itā€™s not on there

Speaking from a Manā€™sā€™ perspectiveā€¦ a lot of times when we interfere with domestic issues, protecting the female, THE FEMALE still ends up leaving the scene with her abuser. Or I get jumped and told to ā€œ Mind your business ā€œ So me personally, I mind my business.

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Aug 13 at 02:38 PM

What dat ā€œmouthā€ do? šŸ˜

Get well then come back 110% ready for the shiz!!

May 25 at 09:22 AM

Did you wash yo hands Tasha?? Quick bathroom break? NASTY B**CH!! Lol

Tasha you are wrong about LeBron. Stick to gossip Ma!!!! Basketball is not your expertise. Bron played since he was 18 years old. Kareem played 4 years in college. Bron is the G.O.A.Tā€¦. You hating
The ā€œIntuition ā€œ caller speaks clear but makes little sense. I would hate to be her friend. Big mouth aggie
Whitehead is a šŸ¤”. We will never sympathize with this b.s. You deserve all that is coming to you. Pray on it buddy. You are just entertainment. 8 member ministry... gtfoh dude. Get a real job bum!!