Christina Flores


Oct 26 at 10:07 AM

Dang Tasha, you were so right about Dwight Howard. I keep seeing posts from so called entertainment news pages

But you exposed him first!

Oct 11 at 09:44 AM

Wow what a scum bag!


Commented on post was deleted

Sep 21 at 09:53 PM

Oh lawd!!! What rock she crawl out under

Replied on Yt Wine 🍷 News

Sep 08 at 08:34 PM

He had the girls stalked, threatened, harassed for years. That's what Scientologist do when you leave thier organization. The girls he rapped were Scientologist and when they reported the rapes and told they were going to police he had them stalked


Commented on Yt Wine 🍷 News

Sep 08 at 09:01 AM

Sorry for the typos....Leah is an ex Scientologist and calls them on thier BS alot. I have a friend who use to be one in the 90s. When she got out. They harassed her for years.

Commented on Yt Wine 🍷 News

Sep 08 at 08:58 AM

Justice was served! He's a Scientologist and they do whatever they can to protect thier Celebs. Including hide the rapes and garrass his victims for years! His victims were Scientologist too. There are so many hidden crimes, Scientologist have the cops in thier pockets. So thos here is groundbreaking. Go look at Leah Rimmini posts on IG


Aug 03 at 09:31 AM

So I get up, make my coffee to start my day. Scroll my accounts and see this nasty bish. Girl come on.....she having a bad week lol it's that full moon energy working


OMG ME TOOOOO! That whole story is so sad. Ricky has dissappointed me by staying silent

I was actually thinking about that too! 😂

That Cardi audio had me laughing. Sounded like someone's drunk Tia sitting on her porch just loud and bitter cause she ain't had a date in a while cause her man out in them streets......yea root canal ???? Sure