Lovey Williams

Damn, I'm so sorry to hear this happened to your dad. But with it being 50 yrs. ago, the record keeping or lack there of could've allowed the adoptive father to take in your dad, despite the fact he wasn't supposed to! Bribery could've very well played a part in records going missing/overlooked as well as allowing the adoption or kidnapping to take place. Have you asked the living relatives, such as his siblings, friends of the family, or other elders of the family? Unfortunately, elders may not wanna talk about it bc they we were taught to not tell family biz!
How is what impossible? Your comment seems like an incomplete thought that I am interested in knowing what you mean bc you may be on to something, please elaborate!
I too was molested at like 6/7 yrs old, I remember details of him buying me the Barbie swimming pool, but NEVER thought it would lead to what it did! I don't recall clothes, but I recall the the act itself, where it happened, me crying calling out for him to stop & what happened afterward it, etc.I strongly believe that it happened a few times but perhaps my mind suppressed any acts after the initial one!
That's EXACTLY my thoughts, about the dad's butt! Unless she's walked in on him dressing, showering, having sex with the mom or something like that. But still, even if she did see his butt in anyway, to STILL REMEMBER what it baffles me!
Last I seen was that she was primary parent & responsible for the 2 kids financially alone! Salaree wasn't paying child support bc I remember her saying that he was upset that Erica made more money than he did! I even think he was tryna get spousal support, which I wouldn't put past him either!!
I've NEVER understood why trans women wanna "out" men/celebs for sleeping with them if they identify/wanna be recognized as women??
I love the story about Mr. Kebe & the juice bar. My Husbae has the same issue, chiiiiile the OWLS aka Old White Ladies be at him! 😉🤷🏾‍♀️😫🤦🏾‍♀️🤣😁🤣🤣🤣😁

Feb 05 at 09:57 AM

Wow, what a TESTIMONY! Congratulations on a healthy baby and your new journey of entrepreneurship! 🎉🎉🍷🍷💖💖
We as blk ppl MUST STAND for SOMETHING other than money aka tryna get a bag!! Sometimes it's the principle of some ish. If the roles were reversed the would NOT have SOLD their line to her!! 🤔🤦🏾‍♀️😫🤷🏾‍♀️🤯
We, as blk/brn ppl MUST stand for something other than money aka tryna get a bag all the time!! If the roles were reversed they damn sho wouldn't have sold to her!!🤦🏾‍♀️🤯🤦🏾‍♀️😫