This is definitely not the type of man that’s a monster. He’s been doing the work: emotionally sound, self-aware, well-mannered, forward-thinking about bring present in his role as father and spouse. Peace and blessings to him and his family.
I tried to watch her full interview before watching this and I just couldn’t. She had too many inconsistencies from the beginning. She said she was put on the stand at 5 years old. Children are not put on a witness stand that young. They are with counselors & ad litems via satellite or they are video taped. Then she said they went to foster care around 5 because of her mother harming her but then recalled her childhood riding bikes across railroad tracks with the neighborhood kids and said she had good memories of her childhood. So you were riding bikes across tracks at 3-5 yrs old? Then … speaking the graphic details are just too obscene. Survivors don’t talk like that. Often we block certain details due to having to relive it. Selective memory is common. She regurgitated too much graphic shit. The fact that her brain can speak and say that, she has to imagine it which is the most twisted shit ever. All the while, no tears were falling. I had to end that crap.
I never could get into LR because I always KNEW he had people fooled. I know an old school queen when I see one. I always said “Ain’t no way people can mistake him for a real pastor”. Lord. Same with that Storm kat. I couldn’t watch him either. They’re too tender.
😂😂😂😂 I’m sorry but this is HILARIOUS! I think it’s you thinking “wtf wrong with u”. 😂 Most kids actually leave and worry tf outta mama. Your daughter was a g for this and the g is for genius. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
Commented on More Diddy Lawsuits, Don Lemon Married, City Girls Are REALLY Done, Beyonce Coming For Taylor Swift
Apr 11 at 10:43 PM
Wishing you nothing but elevation Tasha. See you next Phuckery February 2025 💀💀💀💀