
Jan 07 at 10:08 AM

Your human and expecting perfect from you or anyone else is insane. Your vacation was needed and the come back was great. Messie C definitely served. Welcome back and you’ll be just fine you got this queen! No explanation needed.

Dec 22 at 05:04 PM

He looks so happy and handsome! ♥️


This interview was extremely good. Glad he had the chance to speak on everything. I remember when he went on Iyanla and revealed what happen to his dad deepest condolences.


Chille is the 2 weeks up yet👀🤣

Nov 08 at 08:11 PM

When the phone started breaking up 🤣🤣🤣

The fact that Big foot Mia came after Wendy when she backed out of doing a restaurant with Peter on RHOP….I wonder if this was the real reason she never set up anything else with him

First time watching this gentleman and this was a great interview definitely need him coming thru at least once a month.
