Latai King

Your waves will last as long as you tie it up with a good satin half scarf


Wino Gang let's round up! We going troll the Oneils! This is horrible. Tasha you should put this on YouTube. She needs to go see the witch Dr. SatinSays to ensure she gets her kids back!

I was πŸ’€ at "I would have took that to the grave πŸͺ¦!" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ’―

How was it swept under the rug when he did time and is publicly humiliated on the daily?πŸ€”


You look good Tasha! Very beautiful today. You don't look pregnant. Y'all need to cut that clip on your Charlemagne commentary for IG.

You are speaking truth Bondy about people's weight! You can't be mad at for people not being able to make accommodations because you decided to make poor decisions


The way Tasha clutched her pearls! πŸ˜‚πŸ’€
