Latai King

Tasha's looks to the camera had me 💀!😂😂


Singers wanna do interviews & shows but don't wanna sing?! 🤔

I don't think every man that does time is gay/pedophile but I think it's crazy how they barely know these men and allow them to move in with them and be around their children. That woman who moved her children to a whole another state for a man she had never even met in person and then to find out he was cheating on her! Like WTF.. But you were willing to trust this Man around your teenage daughters 🤦🏿‍♀️

Great interview Tasha & Liz! We need Liz to come back! One of your best interviews

And yes please come to Vegas! Me and my sis listen to you. You can stay with me too.. clean house, no kids


Great show Tasha! But I didn't feel like Chris Stokes aunt spilt any wine fa real.. she confirmed it was true but didn't provide any details 🤔