memphis nigga everywhere i go

Bishop Whitehead got arrested yesterday for fraud 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️😱😱😱
Lol the end Chek ain’t start that music quick enough lmao
Tasha I don’t know how you sat through all of that rhetoric I would have dozed off several times kudos to you
I don’t think Kevin Feedaline is the ex who crashed Britney’s wedding it was her first husband Jason Alexander

Jun 18 at 09:42 AM

Political leaders? Oh god she’s so dumb I’m sorry for all the comments but I’m watching and getting aggravated why haven’t Iyah and Mailia mentioned their children that they left for that POS natureboy

Jun 18 at 09:08 AM

Iyah and Mailia got kids? I haven’t heard them mention that Iyah was a whole prositute on Figueroa I don’t know much about sheeba

Jun 18 at 09:05 AM

Iyah is dumb and weak minded too Natureboy treats her like shit…talking bout her favorite subject was playing outside what a dummy

Jun 17 at 11:07 PM

Tasha I can’t believe you said Mailia explained the Babylon crap so well lol you know you lied she sounded dumb asf cause she is lol

Jun 17 at 11:06 PM

Mailia is so dumb Efuru let’s natureboy call her all kinds of dumb evil white bitches Zoca is fucking evil and we still don’t know what she did to that baby and Sheeba is weak minded