
Columbia, SC, United States


Oct 20 at 10:57 AM

Tasha does this mean we about to get an interview from Corey daughter & ex wife 🤔

Commented on 👀🥂😎

Oct 15 at 07:40 PM

I’m back just in time 🍷

Oct 08 at 01:12 PM


Jul 19 at 06:49 PM

Uncle Joe


Jul 19 at 05:39 PM

It’s a Ke-Ke now that a lot more starting to seeing sister n law true colors!!! The same ones she had against Tasha now she dragging them 🍷

Commented on Who is this??

Jul 18 at 10:28 PM

I guess we gonna find out who this man is Tasha??? I just seen man in wig dragging again 🫤


Jul 18 at 03:08 PM

Them black men in wigs stay coming for black women!! This shit getting crazier by the day!! This got to be some type of disorder bc I’m not understanding it 😩


Jul 18 at 02:39 PM

Fuck it get in line w/ the rest lol what blows my mind how many so quick to sue Tasha but let them crackas play in they face all the time smh and those same ones has gotten sued plenty times and it’s hardly broadcast 🍷


Well I’ll be damn Gypsy really living up to her name! Good interview Tasha 🍷


Let me follow good wives network Fancy seem like she passionate in what she does 🍷
