
Columbia, SC, United States

May 10 at 09:55 PM

Charleston White

May 09 at 06:50 PM

You know it’s coming 😂😭😭😂fuckem



May 09 at 06:18 PM

They will be fighting in 48 hours, weeks or whatever 😂😭😩


Replied on Tonight at 8 Pm

May 06 at 07:34 PM

Thank you

Replied on Tonight at 8 Pm

May 06 at 06:28 PM

Glad to know I’m not alone 😭🍷

Commented on Tonight at 8 Pm

May 06 at 05:47 PM

Somebody catch me up! Who is he?

You right Tasha I grew up my mom fought back until she shot him & divorced him …she said she didn’t wanna kill him 😫


Ohweee he surely did make that video about wife having phone in hospital 🍷



May 02 at 03:44 PM

Got damn it Tasha I didn’t expect this w/ Cussing Pastor but WINO for LIFE!!! You a REAL ONE you can’t talk other people business PUBLICLY & NOT YOURS!!! That’s why I fuck w/ you Tasha K 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷

May 01 at 06:17 PM

Yes 🍷🍷🍷
