
Columbia, SC, United States

Jan 07 at 02:25 PM

Tasha I sure hope you get MCShakie soon as he out #Sipper



Omfg I fell out when Messie made that sound 😭😂😂😂

Jan 05 at 06:30 AM

Definitely missed! I then resorted to watching tarot readers send subliminals on YouTube😆

I hope we see you today 🍷


Dec 31 at 11:01 AM

Some of these blogs turn a blind eye to sister n law antics but her trying to get this citizen fired has a few speaking on it & looking at her different…now they want to speak up for Tasha 🫢

Commented on These lawsuits

Dec 29 at 04:03 PM

He’s playing dirty & don’t want more to come out but in words of my deceased grandfather that’s the kind you gottta watch bc “he a coon-a** neegah”



Dec 27 at 08:47 PM

I never realized how many people hated TashaK 😩I just seen an old old man on YouTube talking about her! Uhhh sir you need to…ya know what never mind lmao 😂

Whewww not the bro f^€kin Will 😩

Jada should have just kept quiet he not playing with her