
Columbia, SC, United States

I bol Tasha asked “you let somebody go bk down after that? 😭😭😭

You know how sick you have to be to make up these type of allegations??? I pray this family get the healing & peace they deserve..I hope Chantel seek help & do some healing too!!!! All around sad story!!! 🍷


If they still have that girl video up they need they ass whoop smh 🍷


The smile on her face when Clarence acknowledged her as “honorary daughter” 🥹

Commented on Coming Soon!

Apr 10 at 05:34 PM

Guess I gotta make sure I have some change on that prepaid card bc Tasha don’t play that shit expires as fast as the renewal declines 😭😂😂😂

Apr 09 at 07:38 PM

Well I be damn 🍷


Apr 09 at 08:25 AM

I take your word for it 🍷


I feel her they switch up 💯

🗣️I was fool but not a damn fool 🍷

We live & learn! She’s a smart lady!!
