She should have made that clear from the beginning that she wasn’t going to give TK all the details of what happened. This is a conversation that should have been had prior to the interview. She knew whose show she was coming on and what was expected of her. She thought she could get away with a half ass story and Tasha let her know real quick that wasn’t what would be happening. I’m glad she ended the interview. She needs to learn how to handle her business and get a PR person.

That funeral scene was EVERYTHING!!!!!

Not Joseline foaming at the mouth slapping her puss in the booth hollering and foaming at the mouth on the mic but calling this girl’s mama a alcoholic smh. The nerve now that’s the epitome of the pot calling the kettle black!


That’s pretty fucked up what about the women having the babies by him? And I’m a woman. He takes care of all 16 kids I know of men with 1 or 2 and don’t do shit for the 1 or 2 they made. I’m sorry I have to disagree with you whole heartedly. In fact judging by this man’s soon to be ex wife son and mentally unstable daughter who runs to him In times of trouble I would say he is a damn good man and a damn good father. We need more Dad’s like him.


Clarence Freeman Mr. Clarence I watched every episode from beginning to end. Watching the pain your in over your daughter hit me as a mother. Like your children and yourself I come from rough beginnings. You spoke of raising yourself, well I was raised in foster care from age 9 until I aged out at 18. When you spoke about loving on your kids because no one showed you that love coming up I knew exactly what you were talking about. My Grandmother would say take it to the Father and leave it at His feet. You’ve done all you can it’s time to give it to God. I pray God’s protection over your family, I pray He grants you healing peace and love. Every time anxiety comes up about your daughter just tell God Lord I trust you. Trust God to carry you all like He has all these years. Be blessed 🙏🏿


My heart goes out to her parents these children were damaged before Clarence got custody and needed psychotherapy. Judging by the comments they were acting out sexually with one another.

She need psychological help. My heart breaks for her father and brother. But they need to get custody of her child immediately. This young woman mentally unstable and I believe that child is in danger being left in her custody.


Aaliyah Harrilal It’s real clear that they are still in love with one another she is just still mad af from his old cheating days. But you could hear him low key pleading his case he kept saying he learned his lesson. He don’t do that no more. She love that man and she respects tf out of him. I’m rooting for them to get back together. Counsling and prayer works miracles.
