Milan Monae

Honestly I wish he would stop referencing himself as a fucked up person and/or the devil because u can tell if u watched the show.:.that’s not his personality at all. Cam appears to be a loving family man hence why Tasha said what she said


Lmfao leave Cam alone …I really like him he be cool

Why yall being so harsh?? I like Cam …yall need to CALM DOWN & RELAX! He is just being an entertainer!! Tasha you were a lil bit aggy for me in this interview too !

Jul 23 at 09:40 PM

Rightttt so it’s not just me …I thought I was tripping for a minute


The film industry must be bored with that Abe Lincoln film…… Also Tasha like bye trying to come for the Obamas with that Nonsense 🙄 like it wasn’t even funny 🙄
