@27:12 let TS Madison tell it, men don’t belong to us. With this statement they most definitely do. What gratification do you get for taking a person that wasn’t made for you to create life with?
The Holy Bible was written by ma inspired by the unction of the Holy Spirit. The Bible is not just a gossip magazine but broken up into sections such as history prophecy, epistles, acts, etc. To say the Bible gossip trivializes and humanizes the acts and wondrous works of God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ. It becomes “familiar” where the reverence the triune body is owed is seen as no given. However, Tasha, you have openly expressed affiliation with the Buddhist religion so this doesn’t apply to you. Now! I will say, the Bible is scandalous in certain parts, however the scandalized nature and imperfections of man were articulated to show the love and grace of the Most High. That no matter what, the love of God surpasses anything we can fathom. Peace and love. God bless. ❤️
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Dec 09 at 10:30 AM
@27:12 let TS Madison tell it, men don’t belong to us. With this statement they most definitely do. What gratification do you get for taking a person that wasn’t made for you to create life with?