Sully Sue

You have to have an open mind with him, just remember everything we know was taught meaning we really donā€™t know anything until you start teaching yourself (to a degree)! When your mind is open you will understand that we are all victims of society and what others teaches us. When your mind is open wide enough you can understand that because medicine teaching says itā€™s not ā€œnormalā€, doesnā€™t means itā€™s not! If I sit and have a beyond the life we see with out eyes conversation with you, you might say the same about me! But I had to teach myself who can handle certain conversations and who canā€™t. His point about being the Chessboard is DEEEPPP! But the average mind wouldnā€™t get it.


I scream sooo hard when she said ā€œ This is Beautifulā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ omgggg Iā€™m in tears!!!


Caution āš ļø this interview will take you on intergalactic, inner outer body experience, far in the galaxy multiverse, spiritual 3-5 Dimensions ride ! Please have an open mind watching šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£

Watch at your own risk!

Go out and come back in and it will play guys

TASHA!!!! I use to say that to men!! F@ck me over and Iā€™ll fuck your grandfather šŸ˜©šŸ˜© lawd we Pisces ainā€™t SHIIITTTTTYT

lol a female, she have children. I see the trans look as well lol


Jamaicanā€™s do it tooo, my momma left me and my sisters in Jamaica(I was 2) and I didnā€™t come to America till I was 11 to be back with my momma. Ppl need to stop acting like itā€™s weird.


GURL! When you understand humans will human, you will not even back your mamma! I love my child to death and I ā€œfeelā€ I know my child but sheā€™s human and I cant be surprised if someone come to me with some unbelievable shit and say she did it, because humans will human. Plenty of child molester/ rapist/ murderer in prison and there is someone out there still not believing they did the crime. So cut the shit because Bill Clinton is a celebrity making you say this woman lost her credibility.


Sabrina Stovall gurllllll!!! I am just reading this!!!! I knew something didnā€™t seem right with how she was commenting. I wasnā€™t going crazy, she was going tooo hard saying heā€™s guilty and now she quiet šŸ¤. Seeee she should have only hated from the sidelines and now she look hurt and stupid.

Kimmies World Tawana G question with no shade or disrespect behind it. Why do yā€™all want him to be a guilty soo bad? Why yā€™all going soo hard over ā€œthese pple livesā€ who you donā€™t know? This is how ppl introduce problems in their lives with things that have nothing to do with them. Since yā€™all are bloggers get them on yā€™all channel and come up with yā€™all own conclusion there, donā€™t come over with it.
