
New York, NY, United States

Apr 03 at 08:54 PM

Yes yes yassss! šŸ™ŒšŸ¾šŸ’ÆTK Fearless! She donā€™t give a phucKkkk!šŸ˜‚šŸ·šŸ·

Apr 03 at 11:57 AM

@ Lyn Fields Well hun,Ā Ā I did give her a chance! When Tasha asked us to go support Bondy channel after she lost it!Ā I did subscribed followed her,Ā Ā all that!!! BadĀ experience she threw shade & lacks transparency! She definitely aintĀ no Tasha K! Iā€™ll simplyĀ stay where Iā€™m welcomedĀ 


Apr 03 at 03:37 AM

Here to support you TK no One Else! Ā But thereā€™s an issue within the community. The Winos who like Bondy versus Winos who dgaf about her (Ā Cringed šŸ˜£)Ā This is causing a divide within the community you need to know!..simply because some cannot accept we only rock support & show love to errā€™thang TashaK itā€™s giving jeli vibez! We donā€™t support hers because we are šŸ·ā™„ļø #Loyal winosšŸ· Ā 

Whenever she comes on your platform, I hit the like then log off! Always! Ā 


Replied on post was deleted

Apr 03 at 02:52 AM

Anyways did you get tickets yet šŸŽŸļø to see my girl live??

Apr 02 at 08:52 PM

We down here scrapping you said Wednesday right! Winos getting sctatches Sis you know we tight! Hope itā€™s just you on your platform all of Wednesday night! Winos Lovesā™„ļø the Kebe family! Many blessings šŸ™šŸ¾see you later & have a good nightšŸ·šŸŒ™

Apr 02 at 02:29 PM

Arjennay Perez Yet we are all herešŸ·

& itā€™s all good! Appreciate your input showing no bias! Good day my luhvšŸ·


Apr 02 at 02:28 PM

Candi B You said days ago you werenā€™t going to respond cycling expecting different results! (Is called Insanity)

You claimed to have businesses with a high IQ still in correspondence to my business Kid!

(My original post) Trolling underneath other winos comments like now so whatā€™s your business then??

Your trade is a dumb B thatā€™s what your business in!

Yup! You bothered lolšŸ·

& I still donā€™t like Bondy Blue you finna remain big mad because I donā€™t phuckā€™n ride with you! Ho3!

#TKWinogang all day everyday šŸ·

Apr 02 at 12:19 PM

Candi B Refocus and logon to YT and join in watching ā€œWine is the New Teaā€šŸ·šŸ·šŸ·šŸ·

Iā€™m outta herešŸ’ØšŸ’ØšŸ’Ø

Apr 02 at 12:04 PM

Candi B STOP THE GASLIGHT @ Narcassistic characteristics! Kebee productions is the King & Queen and their with all the mess! The team could see original posts before editing yours, mines, ole girls, and all the Wino familyā€¦ itā€™s their APP!!!! They also see you wrote a blank check your a$$ couldnā€™t cash! šŸ¤‘

Simply admit! Iā€™m airing you out! Because you phuckā€™d around and found out! You messed with the wrong WinošŸ·šŸ·šŸ·

Apr 02 at 11:50 AM

Candi B All Winos have to do! Is go to my Original post and read all the receipts to prove you a LIAR!!! You gaslighting Narcassistic HO3!

Just admit, you were wrong misjudging what you read and keep it moving!!!..Because Iā€™m going to hold your foot to the fire! You think TK respectful Admins and Mods would accept and allow a Wino to bully other Winos based on their preferences! Thats how we know youā€™re a liar! Thats just not how I roll! I love people! Which means I donā€™t go around making false accusations spreading rumors and causing a fire šŸ”„

I donā€™t like Bondy for my own personal experience! You could be dedicated to misunderstanding me! Thatā€™s what narcissists do!

I stand on my name! I wonā€™t let you nor anyone else tarnish it!šŸ’Æ