
Commented on Urgent Update

Feb 21 at 04:56 PM

🙏🏽💐🙏🏽Praying for you and your family! Pls take care of famil first. ❤️ We winos 🍷will be here when you return. 🩷💐


Feb 19 at 05:16 PM

Ohhhhh My Gosh!!!! I need this interview tonight or tomorrow!!! OMG Spill IT 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷


Feb 19 at 05:15 PM

Oh Shit!!!!!


Great interview!!! Kept me saying wow the entire time. However the sister that kept (which it was a cute laugh), she is a prime example of being “HIGH” on life.


Ok, if they watch Tasha REGULARLY, they should have known where Tasha was from…. We WINOS know she rep her town every show! IJS

Feb 13 at 03:05 PM

I personally like both!!! Both are true entertainment from you. Keep it the way you and your team have it.

Tasha….. I am a loving Wino, but I truly lost brain cells on this interview. I see WHY this interview did not come out!!! Now place it back in your backup box…. OMG, and your face wash hilarious and my entertainment throughout the show. lol🍷🧸💜


Great Interview at I love how Taryn was so real (herself). Natural conversation! 💐


Great and entertaining interview!!!! I love Nikki White energy!!! 💐