Andrea Williams

This is the older version of Jaguar Wright.


I love Ms. Tonya


Commented on Detox Results!

Jan 30 at 03:05 PM

Yes!!!! I didn’t weigh myself but I feel it. You look good!!!!

Jan 30 at 03:03 PM

I’m still fasting, but my 24 hours will be completely done at 4pm EST. I’m so excited and scared at the same time. I don’t know what to eat 😫


Jan 29 at 02:29 PM

This is my last meal before my 24 hours fast begin. Again, I’m a day behind but I’m so glad 😀 I still went through the process. I’m severely anemic and I haven’t craved ice at all since starting this journey! Yay me! Yay US!



Jan 29 at 10:53 AM

I want to thank everyone on this post for sharing and keeping me motivated! I am a day behind everyone because I almost didn’t do it, until I saw all the love on the thread. I’m scared about today, but again reading you all post is definitely giving me the encouragement😊! Like others I feel AMAZING! People are saying I’m glowing and look happy . I can fit into pants and jeans that were extremely too tight just a couple of weeks ago.

Now today I am going to clean up my room to stay busy and write a plan out on how I will eat in the future. Also, I would like to detox every 3 months now. I’m not sure if I can completely give up meat, but I’m definitely going to cut back. Thanks again Tasha and my fellow Winos!!!! WE DID THAT!


Jan 25 at 11:03 AM

It’s okay!! You’re not alone. I almost didn’t do the detox either due feeling like I didn’t have the will power. I’m a day behind the rest of the winos, but the encouragement I see on this board daily keeps me going. You got this! We got this! At least you’re doing it. I was supposed to be doing it with my boyfriend as well and he failed 😞 several times with fried food and bread. So you guys are all I have, so I’m here for everyone as well. 

I’m glad Tasha spoke up and told her about herself. It was getting on my nerves