
Jul 30 at 08:57 AM

Bishop con artist. I don't trust anybody that flashy.

Jul 01 at 10:30 PM

Cora sounds like a snake. The worst thing she did was believe Cora had changed. I pray she gets her little boy back.
Shit these people are demonic.
I believe her. The is sad. I pray she can get her son back.

Jun 17 at 11:53 PM

I'm confused. Those people are wasting their youth on a weirdo.

Jun 10 at 10:07 PM

Keep up the good work. 👍

Jun 05 at 11:04 PM

Tasha got the Whitney Houston wig on.

May 28 at 11:08 PM

Poor Tasha Eyes. Your eyes will never be the same.

May 15 at 01:08 AM

Rip Kevin. I never listened to his nessage. So his opinions on people don't have no bearing on my life. People need to find validation in themselves instead of others.