Commented on PSA Winos🥂 Happy Thursday🙏 Today we a...
May 30 at 10:37 AM
I’ll be there!!!
Commented on Hey Winos.. Tonight we are dropping t...
May 15 at 10:04 AM
Feel better TK!! Nettie pot Zyrtec cold compresses for you face and turmeric w cayenne shots
Commented on The Cussing Pastor is BACK!
May 02 at 11:18 AM
He is hilarious
May 01 at 09:16 PM
Ran to watch the playback after my workout..
Commented on Diddy- The Black Jeffery Epstein, Al B Sure, Cassie | Teyana Taylor & Iman, Chance The Rapper Kicked Out of The House
Apr 03 at 10:51 PM
Welcome back TK! Here for the play back❤️
Replied on EXPLOSlVE! Will Smith's Friend of 40 years & former Assistant TELLS ALL! | Jada, Duane Martin, Marc Anthony, Jamie Foxx, and more!
Nov 18 at 07:34 AM
Nah let’s the wolves get him
Nov 18 at 07:33 AM
This is proof that anyone will tell a story and fools will believe it.
Nov 18 at 07:31 AM
He’s a damn liar!! I can’t take him serious.
Commented on EXPLOSlVE! Will Smith's Friend of 40 years & former Assistant TELLS ALL! | Jada, Duane Martin, Marc Anthony, Jamie Foxx, and more!
Nov 18 at 07:29 AM
Why is he hell bent on Will “coming out” ? I swear I’m getting jilted wanna be lover vibes. Why does he need to tell people he’s gay? Why is that YOUR business? Tasha get away from this shit storm FAST!
Nov 18 at 07:28 AM
The whole damn interview
Commented on PSA Winos🥂 Happy Thursday🙏 Today we a...
May 30 at 10:37 AM
I’ll be there!!!