✨️🩷Maya JaNay🩷✨️

Great guy, but I was overwhelmed too.. You feel me?🤣🤣🤣
I'm so ready for this detox. I already live this lifestyle, except for zeroing out the refined sugar and carbs.. but I do workout, intermittent fasting, no meat, and no alcohol. I'm just addicted to carbs😩
TASHA!!!!How the f*** are you this DAMN funny???? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I believe her too.. unsure of the intimate details but I believe she did have alone time with him.
Another great show Tasha! 🍷🍷🍷But who you piss off in the comment section? 👀
I can relate to her a lot. That unspoken loyalty that you give people who don't deserve it. I wish I could sit down with her and vibe. She's a sweet soul. 🤗🤗

Dec 14 at 07:48 AM

I'm glad I'm not the only one who smelled a stench of covert narcissism.
The vibes were high energy in this interview! Love it! I wish them well in whatever they pursue.

Replied on And another one.

Dec 07 at 09:15 AM

Me too.. lol