
If I’m born a woman close my coochie hole I’m still a woman.


I knew someone that lied about everything u can’t imagine. She said her name was something else. She said her and her man had a baby and he would put her out to have sex with the baby. We went and kicked that man door in. He called 911 and they told us she was a runaway and lied about her age her name and the baby was his

Commented on This Week!

Mar 02 at 07:28 PM

Come on now, this week!


Poly and didn’t know it equals I had hoes, they didn’t know!


So her kids by someone else gets to know about the freaky ish! I wonder do she get jealous?


Same way u get is the same way u lose em! Don’t matter how soon or long, K arma is something else. That definitely felt funny when she called the airline’ baby if I feel anything I’m checking everything even the coffee pot.

It be the slow dick ones, nice and slow til u give it up! Then boom he was the smartest on the short bus.